<2468112141618722>Offer a Newsletter    Download Now   Seller:Mr. WebsitesNumber of sells: 771 
 <24684121416>Newsletters are a great way to generate a little extra traffic from your more loyal visitors. There are many creative ways to get visitors to sign up for newsletters that don't involve trickery or cyber-sleight-of-hand. Consider having a contest or provide some special information exclusively to newsletter subscribers. You'll be surprised at how many people sign up for newsletters willingly if there's a good reason to do so. Also, remember to make unsubscribing really easy. Bad word of mouth spreads much faster than good, and not being able to unsubscribe from a newsletter (for any reason), will irritate your visitors.

The code provided includes a very (very) minimalist implementation, but it should be more than enough to get a newsletter program going on your site. The code allows user to subscribe and unsubscribe from a single newsletter. It is freeware and a link back to my site would be appreciated, but is entirely voluntary.  
 Price:$0  Platform(s):All   Date submitted:8/11/04