<246811214>Fusion News    Download Now   Seller:jacobsdNumber of sells: 758 
 <2468312141618222>fusion is a fast, easy, and powerful news management system. It installs in less than a minute, and you can get started right away. An unlimited amount of users can be created and given one of 3 user levels. BB style code, smilies, powerfull comments management, send to friend, antiflood, banning, wordwrap, fullstory, and an online admin panel are just some of the features of fusion news. You may also customize the look by using skins and templates. It can be translated to any language through a language text file. The online panel has been made safer and a vast array of new features are available. No MySQL database required. Stay tuned for the next version 3.7 ;)
 Price:$0  Platform(s):All  <246821214><-- click Date submitted:10/19/04