<24680121416188>PHPNews    Download Now   Seller:jacobsdNumber of sells: 726 
 <24681121416182>PHPNews first started to see shape in January 2003. Our time now is spent making PHPNews as user friendly and as powerful as anything else on the market. The following is a list of some of the current PHPNews features. Easy Administrative enviornment. Multiple Languages (Selectable language files) Easy to modify news templates to show your news in your own style. Multiple User Accounts (With user access: 'Admin', 'Moderator' and 'News Poster' so multiple people can post news with different access privilages). Ability to link long news stories or images on to new pages to prevent clustering. Comments. (People who visit your website can leave comments about your news posts). Censored Words. (You can set words you want censored made by people in comments) Send to Friend link. (Allow guests to email the news piece to a friend) Smilies! (Add emoticons to your news posts) Archive system (So anyone can easily gain access to old news). Headlines (Show the latest headlines on any of your websites pages). Plus loads, loads more!
 Price:$0  Platform(s):All  <24681121416><-- click Date submitted:10/19/04